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Gages & Fixtures

Qualitex Gage has been serving the manufacturing industry with production ready Gages, Fixtures & Tooling for nearly 30 years! 

Attribute Gages

Attribute Gages are cost effective options to help control in-process production parts. Using simple pass/fail methods such as Go-NoGo's, Feeler Gages, True Position Pins & Flush Feelers, this style of Gage is operator friendly and keeps quality inspection time and cost down by simplifying the inspection method. 

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Variable Gages

Variable Gages are a step up from an Attribute Gage in terms of information and data provided. On top of pass/fail Variable Gages will provide data in numbers. Options include deviation from nominal, actual measurement  

CMM Fixtures

CMM Fixtures are a great option for quality labs to keep repeatable results on production parts. CMM Fixtures help to improve Gage R&R's by having a repeatable and reliable way to load, locate and lock the part in the same position each time. 

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Weld Fixtures

Assisting other manufacturing companies in their process by design and building weld fixtures for various weld operations and cells.

Automotive Gages

Gages and Fixtures are a key component to the automotive manufacturing industry. With high volume, fast paced production going on having real time inspection gages on your manufacturing floor can make all the difference in your scrap rate and quality alerts.

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